on top of the scope is the brightness and on/off switch. the top of that comes off when you twist it and the you put your batteries in there
in the barrel there are 2 pins take them out and then slide the barrel off.then connect the battery to the wire and put the battery in the barrel and slide it back on.now put the pins back on make sure you didnt pinch the wire
Depends on if a scope mount is made for the gun.
you can put a scope on almost any gun, but why?
Which sight? most have a switch or rotational switch that can be turned off.
A scope mount for a gun is used to magnify and visualize targets in the distance. You can purchase a scope mount from any gun store or from a hunting store.
the battery for the double eagle scope is inside the on/off knob.there is a cap on top of the knob that you have to remove to access the battery.i purchased my gun used,and didn't have the cap or battery,so i can't tell you exactly to remove the cap
You have to mention the gun to get an answer.
in the scope its a slide on the top put the scope on the gun aligned with the hole in the gun and scope then pour bbs into the scope
If you have a gun with an integrated scope, all you have to do is go ingame, equip the gun, and press right-click. Your scope should come up. If it does not, check your settings for the controls, and if your gun has a scope. If your gun dose NOT have a pre-attached scope, you can go to the "Modification" tab, and select your gun. You can buy attachments in this menu, including scopes, silencers, and clips. Hope this helped.
20 kills with an ACOG scope on your gun
No, the scope is the hopper. its not really a scope
The M41 Walker Bulldog Light Tank used a 76mm main gun. US forces did not use this tank in Vietnam, the Bulldog was deployed by ARVN (South Vietnamese Army) armor units.