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From the time of the earliest European settlement, the Tasmanian Tiger, or Thylacine, was only known on the Australian island of Tasmania. However, fossil evidence and Aboriginal paintings indicate the Thylacine was once widespread throughout the Australian continent and the island of New Guinea.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

The correct name for the Tasmanian Tiger or Tasmanian wolf is Thylacine, and it is now extinct. It was a carnivorous marsupial which tended to be solitary. Scientific and fossil evidence indicates the Tasmanian tiger, or Thylacine, was a solitary animal that lived and hunted alone.

Interestingly, this indicates that the nickname "Tasmanian wolf" is a complete misnomer: wolves are pack animals which tend to hunt in groups.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

No. Evidence indicates tht the Tasmanian Tiger, or Thylacine, was a solitary animal, living and hunting alone.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

They are technically extinct, but they once travelled in packs.

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Q: Was the Tasmanian tiger only Tasmanian?
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The tiger is not a marsupial. It is a placvental mammal. The now-extinct "Tasmanian tiger" was a marsupial, but it was not a member of the tiger family. Its real name was "thylacine" and it was only given the designation of Tasmanian tiger because of its stripes.

Is a tiger a marsupials?

The tiger is not a marsupial. It is a placvental mammal. The now-extinct "Tasmanian tiger" was a marsupial, but it was not a member of the tiger family. Its real name was "thylacine" and it was only given the designation of Tasmanian tiger because of its stripes.

What habitat was the Tasmanian tiger in?

The habitat of the Tasmanian tiger is Australia

Is the Tasmanian tiger warmblooded?

yes the tasmanian tiger is warm blooded

How does the Tasmanian Tiger escape from its predators?

At the time when the Tasmanian Tiger was not extinct, it had no natural predators. It was only when Europeans settled in Tasmania that the species was wiped out. Man became its biggest predator, and judging by the fact that Tasmanian Tigers are now extinct, it could safely be said that the Tasmanian Tiger did not escape from its predators.

How does the Tasmanian tiger communicate with others?

The Tasmanian tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus) is extinct.

When did Ty the Tasmanian Tiger happen?

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger happened in 2002.

What are some alternatives names for the Tasmanian tiger?

The correct name for the Tasmanian tiger is Thylacine.It was also known as the Tasmanian wolf.

Who'd win in a fight a Tasmanian devil or Tasmanian tiger?

Given that the Tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, is now extinct, it would be an easy win for the Tasmanian devil.

Is the Tasmanian Tiger a Tiger?

No it is not a tiger! O.K! That is true

What is the name of the extinct animal from Tasmania called?

The tasmanian tiger went extinct in tasmania in 1986

What is a baby Tasmanian tiger called?

The Tasmanian Tiger is thought to be extinct. As they were marsupials, the young were called joeys.The Tasmanian tiger was not a tiger nor a wolf (although sometimes being called a Tasmanian wolf); therefore the young were not called cubs or pups.