An extremely nice gun for its price is the CYMA CM028 on Airsoft GI its about $110
Kalashnikov does not make airsoft guns, he designed the firearm they are based off of. the 'k' in "AK47" is for Kalasnikov.
5-10 pounds
if the clip or mag is labeled airsoft it will fit a real ak mag wont fit
CYMA AK47 on for $95
Airsoft AK47 guns are not advertised as including a certificate of ownership or a certificate of authentication. Air guns are commonly utilized to hunt small game or vermin, or for use in target shooting.
10 years for one batterie
The Ak47
go for the m14, unless its cheap looking.
20 to 30 min
cyma is a bad quality lpeg ( low powered electric gun ) jg is awesome go with it you wont regret it
It depends what model battery. Use only the recommended voltages and amperages.