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An extremely nice gun for its price is the CYMA CM028 on Airsoft GI its about $110

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12y ago
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12y ago

The best you could get is a JG ak beta, but for that price you are not going to get a "good" gun.

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14y ago

There are dozens of companies that make AK-47 models. they can be either 10 dollar spring guns, or 400 dollar, full metal gas blow backs.

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11y ago

It depends on who makes it.

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Q: What is a good airsoft ak-47 for 50-75?
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What is the difference between the cyma tactical ak47 airsoft gun and the kalashiknov tactical ak4 airsoft gun?

Kalashnikov does not make airsoft guns, he designed the firearm they are based off of. the 'k' in "AK47" is for Kalasnikov.

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How much does a metal airsoft ak47 weigh?

5-10 pounds

Do ak47 airsoft clips fit in ak74 airsoft gun?

if the clip or mag is labeled airsoft it will fit a real ak mag wont fit

Best egginer airsoft gun to buy?

CYMA AK47 on for $95

When buying a Airsoft AK47 gun does it come with a certificate?

Airsoft AK47 guns are not advertised as including a certificate of ownership or a certificate of authentication. Air guns are commonly utilized to hunt small game or vermin, or for use in target shooting.

How long does a battery for an ak47 airsoft gun work?

10 years for one batterie

What is the real gun equivalent to a Gold Arrow M-185 airsoft gun?

The Ak47

Which airsoft gun should you get a spring ak47 fps-300 airsoft gun or a m14 spring sniper rifle fps 390 airsoft gun?

go for the m14, unless its cheap looking.

How long does the GB AK47 Beta Spetz Airsoft Rifle take to charge?

20 to 30 min

What is a better airsoft gun the JG spentsnaz ak47 or the CYMA tactical ak47?

cyma is a bad quality lpeg ( low powered electric gun ) jg is awesome go with it you wont regret it

What charger should I use for a Ak47 airsoft gun?

It depends what model battery. Use only the recommended voltages and amperages.