34646 For immediate answers to questions like this, enter the question in the Google search box.
You don't know for sure they won't be answered since you just posted them today and results are not always immediate, but if you want good answers, and to stay long enough to get them, make sure your own answers to others questions are good ones.
Actually, this site answers many questions. It is just that answers are not usually immediate. Sometimes people give inappropriate answers and they have to be cleared so others can see the questions and have the chance to give appropriate answers. It is possible that others don't know the answer, so you have to wait until someone can answer.Now, if you ask the question poorly, don't categorize it correctly, or break the rules, you might not get any answer.
Yes. Mindless behavior's hobby is dancing and singing can see there videos on youtube.com. you can also ask more of your curious questions here, at wiki answers
Questions and answers about Arab culture
Because it gives you instant access to millions of questions and answers from still millions of people around the world. It allows you to post questions and answers and get immediate notification of a response or change. It gives you a face, a personafor others to put to the questions and answers you contribute. It allows you to make positive changes to the site that unregistered users do not have access to. And, it gives you a venue, a medium for speaking your mind and sharing what you know.
Answers do exist but there will always be more questions than answers.
Rhetorical questions. And what are questions, answers, and rhetorical-entries, without definitions of their key terms ?
Wikipedia an encyclopedia with no questions and answers, and Answers.com Reference Answers has questions and answers.
Because if there are no questions there will be no answers and with no answers nothing would exist.
No, answers only exist to be matched with questions.
Any links to questions or answers with cyber-bullying in them?