Cell phone. A type writer is for writing letters, not sending messages.
ANSWER: The only way you can is id the other cell phone is on the same account as yours, but other than that you can't. But if you have a court papers demanding they give you what you wanted to have, you can't do anything about reading the other person messages.
It could be the Sprint customer has shut off the ability to receive text messages.
The state can ask the court to order your messages released if the state thinks the messages constitute a crime. The typical example would be as evidence in a case in which the defendant was ordered not to call the complaining witness.
No, you will not receive text messages if your cell phone is turned off. The messages will typically be delivered once you turn your phone back on and reconnect to the network.
Some cell phone companies may not allow voices messages to be left when a number has been blocked, while other cell phone companies will allow a voice message.
BY the down arrow
cell phone
You simply go to the message and then click delete.
If you cover a cell phone with tinfoil, it will not have signal.A cell phone is really just a complicated radio.Teenagers can be called text messages' fans. They send over 200,000 text messages a year, that's about 60.1 texts per day.