I think you meant Droid? In that case, yes, there is something similar. It is called rooting. It seems hard if you don't understand it, but it is actually pretty easy. This article explains what you need to know about rooting. If you are afraid to root because you don't want to have a bricked droid, don't worry. There is little if any chance of bricking your droid by rooting. Even if you did doing something else, there are ways of un-bricking it. I already looked it up on Google, so if you do something to your droid and get bricked, just look it up. Plenty of articles, blogs, threads, ect. that you can look at to solve your problem.
It is possible to root / jailbreak the Droid Eris. You need to use a program like Unrevoked to root it.
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The term "jailbreak" refers to Apple iOS devices. The Droid x2 is an Android device. Rooting is the equivalent to jailbreaking. Android phones are more open, so most of the things you may do with an iOS jailbreak might be possible without a root.
They are practically the same thing, though the Droid doesn't have iTunes music or the same apps.easier to root android than jailbreak iPhone. Harder to detect root android than jailbreak iPhone.
Jailbreaking is applied to Apple products. Whereas for droid phones we call it "root". Look at AndroidForums and there should be a step by step guide on how to root your phone
There is a way to JailBreak your iPhone to make it run the third party app store.
droid x
Yes, Verizon has the Motorola Droid. The Verizon also has the Droid Incredible, the Droid Eris, and the Droid X all made from HTC.
There are many Droid phones available. Currently the best rated Droid phones include the Droid RAZR, the Droid Eris, and the Droid 4. The Droid phone is primarily used with Verizon Wireless.
droid x, no its awful
No. The Droid X is one of the many smartphones in the Droid series by Motorola. The original would be The Motorola Droid released in 2009.
You do not Jailbreak iTunes; you jailbreak iPods and iPhones.