

Best Answer

Yes. Each short tap of the Morse key sent a burst of electricity down the line.

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Q: Does a telegraph use electricity
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What do the telegraph and telephone have in common?

Both use electricity and radio waves to communicate.

How was electricity sent across the country?

The telegraph.

What travels along a bush telegraph?


What invention of electricity came the improved communication?


How was the telegraph used?

the first method used to send messages by electricity.

WHY was the electric telegraph invented?

well the guy that made this thingy wanted to build something so he did and that is why there was an electric telegraph invented.

What was an accoplishament that Thomas Edison has done?

Thomas Alva Edision made the telegraph and made electric type impulseslike Light Bulbs on Electricity. Thomas Alva Edision made the telegraph and made electric type impulseslike Light Bulbs on Electricity. Thomas Alva Edision made the telegraph and made electric type impulses like Light Bulbs on Electricity. Thomas Alva Edision made the telegraph and made electric type impulses like Light Bulbs on Electricity Thomas Alva Edison has a big Penis!!!!!!!!!!!!

Use telegraph in a sentence?

Telegraph poles to stop debris

How does the telegraph key operate?

THe telegraph key is a switch. Tapping it closes a circuit and send a pulse of electricity down the line. These taps are used to code messages.

What device is for sending coded messages over wires and electricity?

A telegraph, a telephone, and a teletype.

Where did the telegraph use?


How could you use telegraph in a sentence?

With modern technology, the telegraph is being confined to history.