You don't for some strange reason. But you can feed your puffle by clicking on them and clicking on the cookie icon at the bottom. That should open the sidebar, then click on the O berries and feed your puffle.
the mostly eat O berries.
In a mission puffles eat the o-berries off the bush that is in view when you pick him/her up!
Ninja O Dark is a very famous ninja on clubpenguin
That depends. Were the monkeys hungry when they went into the tree? Did they eat any berries while they were up there? How many berries were up there before the monkeys went up? If they ate any berries, and the monkeys are still in the tree, do we count those berries in their bellies? Too many for me to count. Give us some more information please.
they like o dance . So w understand what is the style of them
you don't get sticks you have to get the O's from the o tree and feed them to the animal and that's how u get fire
You can't.
well all berries are good for poffin making! but if there are certain kinds of poffins here's a (somewhat) good berry chart o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o BERRIES FOR SWEET POFFINS 1.watmel berry 2.grepa berry 3.mago berry 4.bluk berry o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o BERRIES FOR SOUR POFFINS 1.belue berry 2.kelpsy berry 3.iapapa berry 4.wepear berry o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o BERRIES FOR SPICY POFFINS 1.spelon berry 2.qualot berry 3.figy berry 4.pinap berry o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o BERRIES FOR BITTER POFFINS 1.durin berry 2.pomeg berry 3.aguav berry 4.nanab berry o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o BERRIES FOR DRY POFFINS 1.pamtre berry 2.hondew berry berry 4.razz berry o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o And that's all I have for now. gameprogirl101