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All Supervisors that have experience with the Spanish language (or any of the international languages which WikiAnswers has as a sister site) can ask a Community Assistant for more information on helping to transfer the questions.

Supervisors that are interested are given the ability to delete questions from the English site and then given access to the Batch-Ask tool on the international site to speed up the transfer. Once a question is added to the Spanish site the question is deleted entirely from the English site.

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Q: How are questions moved from the English site to the Spanish site?
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Is this page also available for Spanish speaking people?

There is a Spanish section of the site for Q&A written in Spanish. It is located in the category called: Non-English Languages and Cultures Questions. You can find it in the Literature and Language category.

Who answers the most questions on the Spanish site of Answers?

That would be Carcarion.

Hawaiian to English?

This is not a question. Only questions can be answered on this site.

Can a person submit questions to WikiAnswers in Arabic or must they be in English?

You can ask questions on this site both in English and in Arabic. However, since most of the Answerers on this site are English-speaking, you will more easily get an answer if you ask the question in English and put it in the proper category.

Questions in Spanish?

Many countries are dealing with Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, so it may be interesting to learn some Spanish, yes. In the meantime, you can leave some of your Spanish questions on this web site. We will sure do our best to answer them!

Are there questions the English community does not understand?

There are an infinite number of questions the English community will not understand without knowledge of other languages. As of such, WikiAnswers have other sites where you can address questions in Spanish, German and even some other languages. This particular site however address questions in English only and so, your question should be asked in English. Questions containing only non English language will be deleted but you are of course free to ask questions about other languages, just keep your question in English. Questions may contain too little information to be answered properly and then we might change the question slightly in order to make sense out of it.

Do questions answered on the French WikiAnswers count as actions on the English site?

No, however they do count towards the "Linguist" badge on both the international and English site.

WiKi est un site Internet excellant pour poser des questions. What does this mean in English?

This translates to "Wiki is an excellent internet site for asking questions".

What does the Spanish phrase transporte maritimo mean in English?

The strict translation of the Spanish phrase "transporte maritimo" to English is "maritime transport". This and other Spanish translations can be found at the online site "Spanishdict".

Is this Website American?

The primary language of this portion of the site is American English. However, there are French, German, Tagalog and Spanish versions of the site all being run by, an American corporation. But the contributions (Questions and Answers) are international. (e.g. This sentence was added by a UK resident)

How do you say Explorer in spanish?

sustantivo is the spanish word for explorer -- Google spanish English translation for an online translation site It's actually "explorador." Sustanvio is the spanish word for "noun"

Are you allowed to ask questions in a foreign language?

Yes! WikiAnswers has a site in Spanish, French, German, Tagalog and Italian. If your question is not in one of those languages, we may have a category for it on the English site. Ask away! You also have interprenters working on this website so we can translate and answer in the asking language or any other.