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Follow these steps and you will never have a problem with the screen again. It takes about 15 minutes.

What you will need:

1. canned air

2. Q-tips

3. rubbing alcohol

4. a piece of tape (i used Duct Tape)

5. a number 6 torque driver (its the little star looking skrewdriver)

Remove the back cover and the batter. Remove the little piece of plastic behind the battery (it will be black or white depending on your model). Remove the 2 skrews that hold together the bottom half of the phone. Pull that piece gently towards the top of the phone to release the tabs that are holding it at the bottom. There are 2 cables attached to the motherboard one is for the keyboard and the other is for the display. Dirt and corrosion on these connectors is causing the white screen or other display issues. Clean the little gold contacts with alcohol and blow out and dust and dirt in there. you will notice a little spring board that sits behind the connectors. bend a few of the springs up just a bit so that it will apply a little more preasure to the connectors and hold them in place better. Now hook the connectors up andput the whole thing back together. before you put the battery back in you need to put a piece of tape over the exposed cable. this will hold it in place better and keep it from wiggling around when you open and close the phone. Your problem is solved.

People say take out the battery but that only works because the battery sits on that cable and it wiggles it a little when you mess with the battery.

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14y ago

Just take out the battery

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