put your bilat there
By pressing :-*
Type :|] Another way : First download an image of a robot and then go to http://apps.facebook.com/big-emo-creator and select that image from your pc.. the app will then process your image and give you the code for your image for using on fb chat. Just copy the code and paste in your chat box. you are done with your own custom emoticon for facebook chat :)
the answer is *then write a word then *
you type in (:im angryB:)
ൠ That's the best I can think of.
:putnam: Another way : First download an image of creator of facebook and then go to http://apps.facebook.com/big-emo-creator and select that image from your pc.. the app will then process your image and give you the code for your image for using on fb chat. Just copy the code and paste in your chat box. you are done with your own custom emoticon :)
to make a word bold put * before and after the word(s) you want
It probably means they LIKE LIKE YOU They wouldn't chat with you on fb that much if they didnt
:pitnam: is how you make a bieber head it depends it works for me on fb chat so yah