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because its programed in the phone when you get it and after you hook up the phone.

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Q: How does an unlocked cell phone know the phone number?
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What should I know before buying an unlocked cellular phone?

There is a good guide on what you need to know here

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Where can one purchase an unlocked Motorola smartphone?

Amazon, Overstock, eBay, Newegg and the Motorola companies webpage or stores would be the best places to purchase an unlocked smartphone. The only way to know for sure any cell phone is unlocked is to buy the phone in person.

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For cell phones call from the cell phone 888-3821222

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His cell phone could be broken and/or he may be getting a new number. You could try hinting at asking him for his cell phone number and see how he reacts.

Where can I get a blue Razr phone for free?

Buy Motorola RAZR V3 Blue Unlocked Cell Phone Carrier Badge with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Once you know, you Newegg!Buy Motorola RAZR V3 Blue Unlocked Cell Phone Carrier Badge with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Once you know, you Newegg!

How do i find out a person's new cell phone number from their old cell phone number?

There are a couple of different ways to find a person's new cell phone number from their old cell phone number. One way would just be to ask someone who you know would have that information.

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What is Darren criss' cell phone number?

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What is darius rucker cell phone number?

I know his daughters phone number, My boyfriends cousin is her best friend.