If you are asking who ensures the internet infrastructure works:
- domain names: ICANN.org
- local networks etc.: indepedent
Computer printers can print webpages off of the internet. They are also responsible for scanning things and putting them on the computer.
Neuro internet Information Highay a route of network for high speed transfer of information.
Neuro Internet Information Highay a route of network for high speed transfer of information.
yuppers inc.
well, yes and no. you are responsible if you are the internet user, obviously, but if not, no.
It was developed in 1993 - by Tim Berners Lee - an English computer scientist, responsible for the invention of what we now call the Internet.
The Star Lead Generation website is the star of the Online Lead Generation. They are fully capable of buying leads and supplying leads to its clients.
Computer-Router-Internet with a phone Internet like Talk-It, it's Computer and Phone-DNS-Router-Internet
Yes of course she can. Her house, her internet connection and she is responsible for what you are doing.
Well, in our society today, communication is very important and you can communicate through the internet, and the computer helps with that, since it has the internet... Also, technology is important also, and we use computers because that is what our generation is given to use.
on the internet which computer works like a network server computer