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on a 128kbps connection the available download speed is 16kbps

more then 16kbps you are lucky

less then 12kbps register a complain

as simple as that

hi anil her if u r using mozilla type on address bar about:config then type network then go to max requst and change it to 150 and also change max piplining to true

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There is no good way to predict the answer. The speed you are quoting is the 'last mile' speed and has no bearing on the rest of the internet.

Your download is going to be the speed of the slowest choke point between you and the place you are downloading from. If the other person is on a modem, you get modem speeds.

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Around 60 - 64 kb/s

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27 to 30 kbps

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8mb internet connection my download speed is 128kbps is this right what should I expect?

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