There is no area code 123 in North America (USA, Canada, etc.), because our area codes never begin with 0 or 1.
Unfortunately, it is very easy for telemarketers and others to send false Caller ID data. That doesn't necessarily mean it's a scam, but it's cause for caution.
The country code and area code of Valdemarsvik, Sweden is 46, (0)123.
The country code and area code of Chitose- Hokkaido, Japan is 81, (0)123.
Probably. The 923 area code is not in use at this time.
There is no area code 324 in North America. International country code +32 is Belgium. There is no area code 324 in North America. Country code +32 is Belgium. If your caller ID appears to show a number in area code 324, either the caller is sending invalid caller ID or it is an international number that got truncated. Actually, I just got a call from Ghana and figured this code out. Their country code is +233, and one of their telephone providers use the prefix (24). Therefore, a number from Ghana could be +233-24-123-4567 Now our caller id system in the US reads the last 10 digits and then adds a "1" in front. So the number +233-24-123-4567 will therefore show up as: 1(324)-123-4567. Unfortunately, we have been getting a lot of scam calls in the US from the area code 1(324).
The area code 459 is actually located in Mexico. However, if you are receiving phone calls from a number with this area code, most likely it is some type of scam.
There is no area code 324 in North America. International country code +32 is Belgium. There is no area code 324 in North America. Country code +32 is Belgium. If your caller ID appears to show a number in area code 324, either the caller is sending invalid caller ID or it is an international number that got truncated. Actually, I just got a call from Ghana and figured this code out. Their country code is +233, and one of their telephone providers use the prefix (24). Therefore, a number from Ghana could be +233-24-123-4567 Now our caller id system in the US reads the last 10 digits and then adds a "1" in front. So the number +233-24-123-4567 will therefore show up as: 1(324)-123-4567. Unfortunately, we have been getting a lot of scam calls in the US from the area code 1(324).
Area code 918 (and overlay area code 539) serves Tulsa, Oklahoma, and nearby communities. Since there are thousands of phone scams operating every day, there is quite likely one in the Tulsa area.
Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, is in Mexican area code 877. From outside Mexico, dial your international access prefix (00, 011, etc.), then country code 52, then a 1 if you are dialing a mobile phone, then area code 877 and the 7-digit local number. MOBILE: +52 1 877 123-4567 LANDLINE: +52 877 123-4567
001- Area Code- Phone Number. for Example to Call a Phone Number 123-456-7890 in USA dial : 001-123-456-7890
International access code FROM the USA: 011 UK county code: 44 Then the full UK number missing-out the first zero. So, as an example, Sunderland number 0191 123 4567 would be dialled as: 011 44 191 123 4567.
its scam