Yes and no. The parent company, formerly known as the American Bell Telephone Company, changed it's name to the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in 1899. Regional divisions of the company continued to use "Bell" in their names, such as "Bell Atlantic" and "BellSouth." In 1974, the divisions were split off into separate companies. Bell Atlantic, notably, became Verizon. AT&T continued to own a small percentage of the telephone market.Many of the divisions have since remerged back into either Verizon or AT&T (now rivals).
The same way you txt to a regular number.
Att is a Internet , Cable , and Home phone company. There is no 1 thing that att does
It is currently not ending with att but I have heard a few rumors. BUT that is just it RUMORS. At least the Bold 9000 was recently listed on ATT's End of Life list, so they won't be selling any more. ATT very recently (first week of January) pulled the Bold 9000 and 9700 from their shopping site. There is evidence that the Bold 9780, which has been available on T-Mobile since late November 2010, will soon be available on ATT; first, the previous Bold models were offered on ATT and the 9780 has the same bands. Most importantly, many ATT-branded (with ATT markings and an ATT splash page upon startup,) have been found in the wild.
ATT would have no way of knowing if your device were connected to another device by Bluetooth. They wouldn't charge you for using a plug-in earphone...same thing for Bluetooth.
The ticker for Att is T
ATT bought out Cingular.
No it is not
No, you need the same carrier phone or an unlocked phone.
Same person...
not sure, but the same female voice on dozens of commercials. Now ATT also