Lost disk & hardwere for my sony handycam
A Sony Handycam DCR can be purchased online at many locations, and a Sony Handycam DCR may be purchased at many stores such as Bestbuy, Circuit City, and Walmart.
yes. 0.43
You can buy a Sony Handycam DCR through many different retailers online. However, your best bet would most likely be to buy directly from the dealer, Sony (www.sony.com). Amazon.com also has Sony DCR's.
Yes it Can i used it with imovie
The price varies depending on the model, but many fall around $200. Here are some options http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=sony+handycam+dcr&x=0&y=0
Sony Handycam DCR-SR300 has a 40GB hard disk drive rather than a cassette tape as it's recording media which allows between 9 and 26 hours of recording time depending upon the recording mode selected.
Turn off easy handycam.
Get RMT-31 remote
The Sony DCR-DVD108 Handycam records direct to DVD.
Amazon, of course, can help you find good customer reviews for a Sony Handycam Camcorder DCR. However, the ones on Amazon about the Sony DCR-SX45 are negative about the quality of the pictures, battery life, and it being not good for professionals. One reviewer states that it is worth it for beginners.