A spiral, I think.
a spiral galaxy
Our Milky Way galaxy has a center that is thick with stars, and then a number of spiral arms like curved octopus arms. Earth is located about 3/4 of the way out on one of these arms.
A spiral galaxy.
Elliptical galaxies, Lenticular galaxies and Irregular galaxies.
The milky way galaxy is a barred spiral shaped galaxy.
The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy, meaning it has a central bar-shaped structure with spiral arms extending outwards. Our solar system is located in one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way.
Bar shaped core region (Galactic centre) Spiral Arms Halo
It looks similar to a toy pinwheel, with concentrations of stars along curved arms that would be the vanes of the pinwheel. (see the related image link below)
No. It is a disk-shaped galaxy, like a pinwheel, with several curved radial arms and a large mass at the center. The closest thing to a "clump" of stars are the so-called "globular clusters" which are more spherical in organization than other common galaxies.
A galaxy that looks like a giant pinwheel spinning through the void of space; has a central nucleus that resembles a flattened ball, to which are attached long, curved arms, and contains large amounts of gas and dust.
Elliptical galaxies.