Attack: 18 stars
Defense: 4 stars
Stamina: 1 star
Balance: 8 stars
Pegasus eyes are green
You mean is Pegasus real. You see, Pegasus is a Greek god. Not a species. Yes. He is real. In myth, the stars, books, and imagination.
Cyber Pegasuss spintrack is the small blue one and performance tip is F plastic blue
Galaxy Pegasus has the following stats: Attack: 5 Defense: 3 Stamina: 1 Balance: 3
Our galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy.
The Andromeda Galaxy is a spiral galaxy.
Our galaxy is a spiral galaxy because it is spiral in shape.
Not counting the Magellanic Clouds (which are minielliptical galaxies orbiting our galaxy), the Andromeda galaxy is the galaxy nearest to our galaxy.
No, a tadpole galaxy is not a type of peculiar galaxy. It is a barred spiral galaxy.
No. The Milky Way is believed to be a barred spiral galaxy.
The Sunflower Galaxy (M63 galaxy) and the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51 galaxy).
The galaxy which we are located in is the Milky Way Galaxy. It is a spiral galaxy.