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Harvest maturity is the stage of growth in which the plant has completed its physiological development, or when it has developed enough to provide a useful product to the farmer. Corn (maize) is an example of both -- sweet corn is usually harvested for human consumption before it has reached complete physiological development, while field corn (for livestock feed) is usually allowed to reach full development and senescence.

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Q: What is harvesting maturity in crops?
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All types of crops should be a yellow-gold colour when about to harvest and all should have seeds that are in a hardened stage. Cereal crops are harvested when the seeds on the seed heads are hard (in other words, you can't really chew them). Oilseed crops (like mustard and canola) are swathed a few weeks before harvesting so that they cure. Lentils and legumes are harvested when the seed pods are hard and shriveled and the seeds inside are hard as well.

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You get mastery points by harvesting your crops.

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dude its harvesting