Retweet means to forward a tweet to your followers.It is like forwarding a text message or an email.
The past tense of "retweet" is "retweeted."
Hover over the retweet on your timeline (i.e. on your profile page) Then, click on the word "retweeted" and it will undo the retweet and delete it from your tweets.
Start your tweet with 'RT' and then copy the message as well as the persons username and paste it into your tweet or simply click Retweet under that Tweet Your followers will then see the message you have retweeted as well as the persons username in case they want to follow them. :)This is like forwarding messages or emails.
Retweet is when someone tweet something and you retweet it. by clicking the refresh looking button.
You can't retweet them because the user wants to keep their tweets private.
To do a retweet on Twitter by someone famous you can either use Twitter's in-built retweet function or type 'RT@username' where username is the famous person's username on Twitter and press 'tweet'.
a retweet cant be edit a quote can be edit
rt = re tweet
it means : Last Retweet
Kill them. It's the only way.