If you are referring to 'cop' as meaning a police officer, the term originated in New York City, because police officers' badges were made out of copper. They were originally called 'coppers.' The term was soon shortened to 'cops.'
I believe it originates from the term Constable On Patrol - COP. This was a question in the game Trivial Pursuit.
According to the Science Advisory Board of the Straight Dope online magazine, neither of the above theories hold water.
The word "cop" was first used in the early 18th century, as a verb. It is thought to have been derived from an obsolete word, "cap," meaning to catch, capture, seize, or arrest, which in turn came from the French verb "caper" (to seize), and which has its root in the Latin "capere" (to take). An alternative or perhaps coexisting theory is that it comes from the Dutch "kapen," meaning to take or to steal, thus accounting for its sometimes contrary usages.
A police officer "cops" someone when s/he catches and arrests the person, therefore the police officer is the copper, i.e., the one who cops. The theory about the New York police uniform badges (some say buttons) being made of copper might have been coincidental. The 'Constable On Patrol' theory of origin is without substance, and is a trite modern invention. Trivial Pursuitis wrong.
'Constable on patrol' is as much a part of folk belief as 'Golf' and other words. It is simply untrue, but commonly believed in. Follow this link:
In American English, "cop" is the slang term for a police officer. It and also be used to mean grab, as in "to cop a feel".
greek is the origin of oceanography
lahar is the term for mass movement that is volcanic in origin
The term is etymology.
The term "cop" meaning a policaman derives from the fact that some police in the US used badges made of copper. Those police were then called "coppers" and that was shortened to "cop."
The letters in "cop" stand for "Constable on Patrol." It is a term used to refer to a police officer, especially in the United States.
The term used in forensics to describe a sample of unknown origin is "questioned sample."
The term nucleus is derived from a Latin word meaning "kernel" or "nut". How is the term nucleus related to its Latin term of origin? The nucleus is like the inside of a nut, and is shaped like a nut.
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