Country code +44 is the United Kingdom, but +44 7624 is a mobile specifically from the Isle of Man.
(The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)
0021 is not the country code for England. England uses the United Kingdom country code +44 which is dialled as 00 44 from most of Europe or 011 44 from North America.
The UK is country code +44; from Turkey, dial 00 44.
In the UK, 07522 (or +44 7522) is a mobile code.
Country code +44 is the UK, and +44 7926 is a mobile code, along with the rest of +44 74 through +44 79.
011 is the international access code used to start an overseas call from North America.44 is the country code for the United Kingdom020 is the area code for London, but the first zero of a UK phone number is left out when dialling internationally.So, 011-44-20-7xxx-xxxx would be a phone number in London, England. For example, 011-44-20-7222-1234 is what you would dial to reach London Transport from the USA.
Country code +44 is the United Kingdom. Area code +44 1303 (or 01303 in UK domestic format) is Folkestone.
The UK
Breaking down the number - 44 is the country code for the UK. The leading zero has been omitted (0)7624 identifies it as belonging to a mobile (cell) phone, and 100000 is the subscriber's number.
Area code 020 is used for London landlines, which have eight digit local numbers. Mobile phones (07xxx) and special-rate services (03xx and 08xx) use their own country-wide prefixes.To call from abroad, use the country code +44 and the full UK number minus its leading zero. For example:Landline 020 7946 0029 becomes +44 20 7946 0029Mobile 07345 123456 becomes +44 7345 123456
+44 is the international dial code for Great Britain.
+ 44 20 xxxx xxxx
The country code and area code of Leeds, United Kingdom is 44, (0)113.