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Q: Which is bigger internet or world wide web?
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Which is larger the world wide web or the internet explain?

Internet is the World Wide Web ( www ) .

How is the world wide web different from the interent?

The world wide web and the internet are the same thing. The world wide web is just an address for the internet.

Is the www bigger than the internet?

The www(World Wide Web) IS the internet. Though in a way I guess you could say the internet is bigger simply due to the fact that not all web addresses need a www in front of it.

The difference between world wide web and the internet?

There actually isn't any difference. The world wide web is the internet. The internet is the program for the world wide web. Mozilla Firefox is an internet browser, but it's still the same as Internet Explorer.

What is the world wide web address of a site on the internet?

what is the world wide web adress called

What are some differences between the internet and the world wide web?

The Internet can be compared to the road to get to the world wide web which is the street address.

What is the part of the Internet that contains webpages that are linked together?

World Wide Web

Is it true that an ISP connects you to the World Wide Web?

Yes, it is true, since an ISP is an Internet Service Provider, and since the internet is the World Wide Web, it is true that an ISP connects you to the World Wide Web.

What is similar to the Internet?

The World Wide Web

What does www...?

World Wide Web - it is the internet.

Is the intenet and the world wide web are the same?

In popular speech then the Internet means the same as the World Wide Web, but technically, the Internet is the network of computers which runs services such as the World Wide Web, Email, News etc.

What was the URL of the first website on the World Wide Web?

URLs existed before the World Wide Web on the Internet.