

Best Answer

Well, easy,

1) He was texting you

2) He ran out of credit and couldn't text anymore

3) He got more credit, therefore being able to text again.


He just lost his phone and couldn't text for a while... SIMPLE

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Q: Why does a guy text a lot stop and then start again?
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you never should text the guy first that's how i was raised!

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i tryed that, just stop talking to him, and then he'll come start talking to you again

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Not always. You can start the conversation sometimes also. Most girls want the guy to text first, but sometimes he wants you to text first

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He probably is too nervous to text you first and might not know what to text about.

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You could text him, saying your sorry, or, if your in school, write him a note saying your sorry.

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He's ASKING you if you will speak with HIM again--he wants to know if you are cool with talking again...very simple

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A guy is likely to be upset and even angry if you stop calling him. However, he will most likely forgive you if you explain to him why you were not calling.

If you texted a guy a lot and he didn't text back and now you realize that you were dumb of you how do you fix it?

Don't text him again to start with, and if he texts you, then you reply, casually. After a few minutes, don't mention your texting to him again, and don't look at him in a flirty way. As a guy (girl is doing this exact thing to me), and it's very obvious, unless your guy is incompetent. Try to be subtle, completely throw him off the scene. I tend to like girls that don't run after me too much.

What if a guy likes you and you like him but he doesn't text you back?

Maybe his phone died... or your text didn't go through. Try again and see what happens.

What do I do if the guy I like randomly put his number in my phone but didn't text me back and now I don't want to text him again cause I don't want to bug him?

I'm gonna be completely honest, don't text him again. If he wants to talk to you, he will text you! it may be hard, but DONT DO IT!

How do you get a guy cousin to stop ignoring your text messages and calls?

1)ignore him back 2)stop calling him and texting him 3)text him something scary or something such as someone is climbing in your bedroom window