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According to the Technical Association for Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI), and the American Forest & Paper Association only about one-third of the fiber used to make paper in the U.S. is from whole trees. only trees smaller than 8 inches in diameter, or larger trees not suitable for solid wood products, typically are harvested for paper making. The remaining two-thirds is made up of residue (wood chips and scraps left behind from forest and sawmill operations), and recovered (recycled) paper.

Assume that the paper in question is typical 20lb copy paper, and it has been produced using 100 percent hardwood, measured in cords. A cord of wood is approximately 8 feet wide, 4 feet deep, and 4 feet high and weighs roughly 2 tons (15-20% water weight). It has been estimated that one cord of this wood will yield an average of 1,500 pounds of paper (300 reams).

According to the Kansas green teams website, it takes 17 trees to produce one ton of paper (no detail in this article).

According to the Trinity College in Western Australia, it takes 17 x 20 year old trees to produce 1 ton of paper. This suggests that 1 tree is equal to 22.62 reams @ 2.6 KG of the A4 80gsm copy paper.

According to the timber corporation agribusiness Investment Managers (who are encouraging landholders to plant blue gum eucalyptus trees as an investment) you can achieve 45 reams of A4 paper from a blue gum after 10 years.

A popular Paper Calculator suggests that one tree equals 14 reams of paper. To confirm this place 10 reams a week into the calculator and this equals 520 reams a year for which the calculator requires 37 trees. Their interest is to stop tree felling.

WHO KNOWS how many A4 80 GSM 500 sheet reams of paper to the "average" tree... I would suggest it depends upon the trees in question in relation to their size and paper producing qualities. The answer appears to be somewhere between 16 and 22 reams of A4 80 gsm paper per tree. How many average trees to one cord of paper producing timber as mentioned above is another interesting question.

In other words; 8,350 sheets per tree.
it depends on wha ttree you are talking about. if you say a pine tree then about 1000 pages can be made, but if it is a redwood tree than about 900000 ca nbe made since they r da biggest trees i nda world

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You need over 60 000 pieces of paper to save another tree.

How many trees does it take to make a paper bag?

It only takes one tree to make a pack of paper. This is because there is a lot of wood in one tree cut down for this purpose.

How many trees are needed to produce 1 ton of paper?

According to a report to the US Congress in the 1970s:Each ton (2000 pounds) of recycled paper can save 17 trees.However there are many types of paper. The congress report was based on Newspaper, not including other types like office, printer, copier, mail and many others.Several sites reference, which uses Tom Soder's estimates in Claudia Thompson's book "Recycled Papers: The Essential Guide" (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992).A:On average, a single ton of paper would be produced from 17 trees. An individual tree is said to produce on average 476637 sheets of paper. A:2.56 tons of trees are required to make a ton of virgin paper. Each ream would require 3.6 kg of wood.

How many trees make 100 pieces of paper?

It all depends on the size of the tree and the size of a piece of paper. However, if you are talking about a large, full-grown tree and 81/2" x 11" paper, then it takes much less than one tree to make 100 pieces of paper.

How much oxygen can one tree produce?

On average, a mature tree can produce enough oxygen for two people for a year. This can vary depending on the species and size of the tree. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis.

How many trees make a brown paper bag?

You will only need one tree to make a brown paper bag. Just one tree will make several paper bags.

How much paper does a pine tree make?

It depends on how much paper one person recycles; the organizations do not give stats for one person. However, every ton (2000 pounds) of recycled paper can save 17 trees. That means each tree is worth about 117.647058824 pounds of paper (rounded up it is 117.65 pounds). According to the University of Southern Indiana, "The average household throws away 13,000 separate pieces of paper each year. Most is packaging and junk mail." "If every American recycled just one-tenth of their newspapers, we would save about 25,000,000 trees a year."

How much water is evaporateed to produce one ton of paper?

It takes about 25,000-30,000 gallons of water to produce one ton of paper through the papermaking process, including the evaporation of water during the drying stage. The actual amount can vary depending on the type of paper and production methods used.

What was carbon paper used for?

to produce one or more copies of paper document

Can more than one type of apple grow on the same tree?

It is possible to graft tree branches onto another tree, which does make it possible for a single tree to produce more than one type of apple. But without grafting, one tree will only produce one type of apple.

What can you do to help protect the rainforest?

Use pencils that say "one tree cut one tree plated" and recycle paper.