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The rubbish that is collected from the slopes of Mount Everest by Sherpas every year is either burned, recycled or even made into art.

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Q: Is the rubbish collected from Mount Everest recycled?
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What kind of poluting is on Mount Everest?

The only pollution on Mount Everest is the rubbish that climbers leave behind.

How much rubbish is on on mount Everest?

There is over 50 tonnes of rubbish on Mount Everest, including a helicopter, oxygen canisters and food waste. There is so much rubbish that it is sometimes called the world's largest rubbish heap!

How does rubbish on mount Everest affect animals and plants?

they die

Why are people leaving rubbish on mount Everest?

Because people suck

What are people bringing down off on mount Everest?

Today climbers and sherpas can earn extra money by bring down any of their rubbish from the slopes of Mount Everest.

Is the rubbish on mount Everest affecting the animals?

No not really as the only animal that lives on Mount Everest is the Euophrys omnisuperstes, a small jumping spider. The rubbish effects man more than anything, it can be a dangerous hazzard and is not very nice to look at.

Why mount Everest is called as junkyard?

Mount Everest use to be called a junk yard because of the amount of rubbish climbers use to leave behind on the mountain. Today this has improved a lot with teams going there just to bring rubbish down.

Why Mount Everest being polluted?

All the rubbish found on Mount Everest has been left by climbers who are too tired to carry it down the mountain. Today there are dedicated teams whos role is to bring the rubbish down off the mountain.

What have people done in the past to hurt mount Everest?

The worst thing that people have done to damage Mount Everest is by leaving there rubbish/trash behind. Today this is more tightly controlled and improving.

How much debri is on Everest?

There use to be a lot of debri/rubbish on the slopes of Mount Everest but over the last few years there have been dedicated climbing teams whos sole purpose is to bring down as much rubbish as they can.

What are two problems caused by too much climbing on mount everest?

The main two problems caused on Mount Everest by too much climbing is rubbish being left and possible errosion to the routes.

What is the danger of Mount Everest be destroyed?

There is no danger of Mount Everest ever being destroyed but there is a danger of the mountain becoming damaged by too many climbers on it every year. The paths get worn, there is rockfall and rubbish left.