Irony states the opposite of the writer's intent to get the point across.
Doubling and subtracting 1
The exact opposite direction of southeast is northwest.
When something happens that is the exact opposite of what you expected to happen, this is called irony. An example would be getting candles to relieve your stress and them accidentally burning the house down.
'kanojou' would be the exact, but when stating something like 'girlfriend-boyfriend', it would be simply 'kano-kare'. I hope I helped = )
The opposite of a clone is an original. A clone is an exact genetic copy of an organism, whereas an original refers to the first or source version of something.
The opposite of "ask" is "answer".
The opposite of chimney could be something like "vent" which allows air or gases to exit a space rather than enter it.
The exact opposite of logical is illogical.
As a metaphor is a a figure of speech which is applied to something to which it is not strictly applicable, the opposite would be the concept of 'le mot juste' - the right word, the exact word, or maybe 'apposite'
The opposite of hymn is Christian Metal. The exact exact opposite is secular metal (aka songs that have a bunch of swear words, etc.)
Antidiarrheals are the exact opposite of laxatives.