Using all the letters in one word, Nothing.
Using all the letters you get: dualism
The letters 'j-m-l-e' are in the word jumble.
what 7 letter words can you spell using the letters CURHLEDOPYXR
Thirty-one English words can be formed using those letters. Two English words can be formed using each letter exactly once.familialflimflamalfalfafilialmammalflailllamamafiafafffailfallfillfilmflamiliaimamlamamailmaimmallmamamiffmillailaimallilllammammilamfaiflamamia
emblem, mumble
Words made from the letters b l o e m u are:beblueboulebumelmemuloloblobelubememobmolemule
The letters PLMANA can spell the word "napalm." (gasoline and benzene in a thick plastic gel, used as an incendiary weapon)