Some gifts that the Greeks gave the world include architecture, dance, theater, democracy, and even some business styles. The Greeks also offered food and wine along with the practice of exchanging gifts on a person's birthday.
China invented •Paper •Printing press •Silk weaving •Kites •Compass •Pasta •Gunpowder •and Fireworks
kites have wooden sticks some string to fly the kite and some paper to make it fly because paper is light
They don't. They're made of paper, etc.
The inventions of the ancient Chinese are still being used today.They include:GunpowderFireworksCompassPaperSilkMatchesWheelbarrowsThe Decimal SystemWaterwheelSundialPorcelainPaper MoneySeismographDominoesKitesCalligraphyIce CreamFolding UmbrellaInkPlaying CardsAbacusWallpaperThere are obviously heaps more than that. They are just some of the ones used more throughout society today.Block printing, gunpowder, and the compas
Yes, the Chinese are credited with inventing paper around the 2nd century BCE. They also invented fireworks around the 9th century during the Tang Dynasty.
3-2-1 Contact - 1980 Japan Paper and Kites 6-3 was released on: USA: 14 October 1987
Yes, the Chinese are credited with inventing both toilet paper and fireworks. Toilet paper was first used in China around the 6th century, while fireworks were discovered accidentally in ancient China around 200 B.C. and later used for celebrations and in warfare.
You have to have paper
wrapping paper
You make a giant paper boat (about 1 meter long), and a huge amount of origami fireworks. Then you load the origami fireworks onto the paper boat and set off the fireworks, lighting the boat on fire, burning all the paper cranes. Due to natural selection, those paper cranes which don't burn will be the ones to reproduce. Sooner or later the world will be populated with nothing but super-selected paper cranes.