In the Americas. Mexico is on North America while Guatemala is on Central America.
Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras.
Mexico is located between the United States and Guatemala.
Guatemala and Belize are countries located just below Mexico in Central America.
Mexico and Central America. Yucatan, Beilce, Guatemala, Honduras.
Guatemala is located in the Northwestern hemisphere of the Earth. The neighboring countries surrounding it are Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, and Belize.
Guatemala is located in Central America. Guatemala's coastline is on the Pacific Ocean. You can find Guatemala on the southern tip of Mexico, between Mexico and Honduras. Guatemala's size is a bit smaller than Tennessee.
The capital of Guatemala is Guatemala City. Guatemala is located in Central America south of Mexico, and to the north of El Salvador and Honduras.
It is a river that runs throughout southern Mexico. It also defines part of the Mexico-Guatemala border.
Guatemala is south of Mexico, along with Belize.