It takes about 2 hours to fly from Minneapolis, Minnesota to New York City. New York is 1,023 miles [1,646 kilometers; 889 nautical miles] from Minneapolis. Minneapolis is one hour behind New York.
Driving it would take about 20 hours and 40 minutes to get to New York City from Minnesota. This is a distance of 1,359. 9 miles.
It requires 12 hours of driving time.
A long Time
about two days
18 hours
25 hours
how long does it take to drive from grove city ,oh to houston tx
It will take you about an hour and 45 minutes to drive the 96 miles between the two locations.
The drive time from Washington, District of Columbia to Minnesota (MN) is:20 hours, 38 minutes
How long does it take to drive from Radcliff kentucky to NewYork city
About 4.5 hours.
4 hrs
1 day and an one hour