1,467 miles taking this route:
about 1,290 miles
The distance from Bronx, New York, to Miami, Florida, is 1,594 air miles. That equals 2,565 kilometers or 2,385 nautical miles.
About 1,300 miles.
Manhattan to Miami is 1282 miles.
The distance between Schenectady to New York is 145 miles/233 kilometers.
1,277.5 road miles.
It is 1,387 miles according to Google Maps.
The air distance -- within the United States of America -- from New York City, New York, to Miami Beach, Florida, is 1,087 miles. That equals 1,750 kilometers or 945 nautical miles.
From New York, NY to Schenectady, NY is 170 miles; 2 hours, 53 minutes driving time.
It is approximately 10,000 miles from New York City to Sydney, Australia.
The flight distance from Miami, Florida to Kingston, New York is: 1,168 miles / 1,880 km
It is 1,283 miles according to Google Maps.