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Q: In New Mexico is required to be aboard any vessel during operation?
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What is required during operation near aircraft?

Spotter and Chocks

What should you eat for dinner the night before the operation?

Always follow the doctor/surgeons advice for this to-the-letter. Some foods are not compatible with the various medications required during the operation.

What was forbidden aboard ships during the civil war?

Flogging was banned in 1862, during the Civil War. Many other things were banned aboard ships.

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How many soldiers were injured during Operation Barbarossa?

3,542,837 Soldiers were wounded during Operation Barbarossa.

Who was thrown overboard during the Boston tea party?

Tea that was aboard a British Ship.

Does a diesel engine produce carbon monoxide during operation?

Yes, a diesel engine does produce carbon monoxide during operation.

What ship did future US President Gerald Ford serve aboard during World War 2?

I did not know that Gerald Ford was in the Navy, but I looked it up for you. Ford served aboard the carrier USS Monterey during World War 2. He served aboard the USS Monterey (CVL-26) it was an Independence-class light aircraft carrier.

What happened during Operation Bribie?

During Operation Bribie the Viet Cong attacked a south Vietnamese Regional Force compound. The operation took place on February 17 and 18, 1967.

During which stage of engine operation does the burning mixture of air and fuel force the piston downward?

This is during "combustion" which is the "power" stage of the operation.

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what happens when pollution alarm set point reached during operation

Who was the president of Mexico during the Mexico war?

Benito Juarez.