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When it comes to a Plumbing fitting, description CxC means the fitting is Copper by Copper, or the fitting is used to join two pieces of copper

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Q: What does CXC mean in plumbing terms?
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What does cxc mean?

it means Caribbean Examination Council (CXC)

What does backflow mean in terms of plumbing?

The word backflow in terms of plumbing refers to an unwanted flow of water in the wrong direction. The risk of a contamination of clean water is prevented by backflow prevention devices.

What does the roman numeral CXC mean?

Cxc = c + (c-x) = 100+ (100-10) = 190

What do the letters CC stand for in plumbing?

This depends to what exactly you are refering too. However it could be, close coupled for a toilet unit and cxc is code for compression fittings.

In roman numerals what does the letters CXC mean?

C = 100 and XC = 10 less than 100, which is 90, so CXC = 190.

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Dezinctafication process

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Mechanical joint

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DRZ is not an acronym that is used in the plumbing industry so it does not stand for anything. DFU in plumbing means drainage fixture unit.

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An ORG, expanded, is an Overflow Relief Gully

What percent is a distinction in cxc?

There is no such thing as a distinction in CXC...look it up!

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samantha johnson


I am not familiar with that. Do you mean PVC? PVC is a type of plastic pipe. It is very strong and durable, is used a lot for plumbing as it does not rust. It is used with high efficiency HVAC systems. It is light weight. Usually it is white or a gray color.