Cape Cod in the state of Massachusetts has long been known for the vacationing wealthy. While many of lesser means visit these, it is still a playground for the rich.
cape cod potato chips
Cape Cod in Massachusetts.
Cape Cod Cape Canaveral
Cape Cod Cape of Good Hope
Cape Cod is a well-known peninsula located southeast of Boston, Massachusetts. It is famous for its beaches, quaint towns, and summer vacation spots.
Cape Cod area
The cape is Cape Cod, the state is Massachusetts, and its capital is Boston.
Cape Cod.
Cape Cod is often referred to as "the Cape."
Cape Cod actually starts on the east side of the Cape Cod Canal.
Cape Cod is the penninsula that makes up the eastern most area of Massachusetts. So, Cape Cod is acually the land mass... Cape Cod Bay is the body of water that is surrounded by the Cape.
Cape Cod is correct.