British Indian Ocean Territory's motto is ''.
The population of British Indian Ocean Territory is 4,000.
British Indian Ocean Territory was created in 1965.
Flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory was created in 1990.
The area of British Indian Ocean Territory is 54,400 square kilometers.
British Indian Ocean Territory's motto is 'In tutela nostra Limuria'.
Coat of arms of the British Indian Ocean Territory was created in 1990.
A lot of fish.
Hamilton is the capital city of Bermuda, a British Overseas Territory located in the North Atlantic Ocean.
The capital of Diego Garcia is not applicable as it does not have its own government or official capital. Diego Garcia is an atoll in the Indian Ocean that is a British Overseas Territory and is home to a joint UK-US military base.
Indian Ocean about 460 miles south of Maldives. Technically known as British Indian Ocean Territory.
The United Kingdom. It's part of the British Indian Ocean Territory.