The distance from Portland OR USA to Perth WA Australia is:
14829.8km, or 9214.8 miles, or 8007.5 nautical miles.
There are 115 miles between Portland and Newport Oregon.
The driving distance from Portland, OR to Mulino, OR is 25 miles.
It is 18.1 miles (29.1 km) between Gresham, Oregon and Estacada, Oregon.
The driving distance between Portland Oregon and Eugene Oregon is 178 kilometres (111 miles).
About 25 miles.
the distance between Portland Or and Montreal Canada is 2,943.6 miles.
About 74 miles.
The distance from Portland Oregon to Bandon Oregon is 262 miles.
the distance is 81.3 miles
The distance between Portland, Oregon and Tampa, Florida is approximately 2,900 miles.
The distance from Portland, Oregon to Sutherlin, Oregon is 166 miles (267.2 km).
The distance from Portland, Oregon to Pendleton, Oregon is 208 miles (334.7 km).