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The three major tribes in Nigeria are: Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba.

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Q: What tribes does Nigeria have?
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Who is the most educated tribes in nigeria?

The Yorubas are currently one ofÊthe most educated tribes in the African nation of Nigeria. One of the other tribes that fits this is the Hausa.Ê

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Bogghom is the name of one of the indigenous tribes from Nigeria.

Strongest tribes in Nigeria?

the Yoruba people

How many tribes are there nigeria?

There are 371 tribes; and 3 major tribes (included in the 371) that encompass many states. They are the IGBO, HAUSA,YORUBA.

What are the three regional divisions of Nigeria and the tribes that dominate each tribe?

There are the northern, eastern, and western regions in Nigeria.

What are the current challenges facing Nigeria Indigenous managers?

The problems facing Nigeria is too numerous to mention .Nigeria is a diverse nation in term of Religious and tribes

What are the two principle tribees in nigeria?

Ibo and Yoruba

What are the main tribes in Nigeria?

There are actually three main tribes in Nigeria: the hausa , the Yoruba, and the Igbo (also known as Ibo). Together, they account for approximately 68% of Nigeria's total population.Source: Geographica: The complete Atlas of the world, "Nigeria", (Random House, 2002).

What happened to Nigeria after it was colonized?

The various tribes stopped fighting and there was relative peace.

Name the four tribes that control nigeria?

There are 4 tribes. they are Yoruba.Ibo,Hausa, and Fulani. hope that helps