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Israel's single most reliable ally is the US. It has had throughout the years different allies (such as France, Turkey) but has been in recent years isolated over see its policy in Gaza and what many in the world consider unjustifiable use of force.

As to enemies, the situation is quite complex. Israel has been, since it was born in 1948, locked in a battle for land with Arab nations, which opposed the creation of the Jewish state, and most importantly the Palestinian people.

The Palestinians, many of whom live in refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, seek to return to lands they evacuated in 1948, bring back all the refugees to what they deem the land of Palestine and establish a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capitol. They are not satisfied with freedom to manage their lives in the areas they live in now.

Israel regards these claims as unreasonable and unworkable for many reasons. Until a solution is found, some Palestinians feel the only way to make progress and force Israel's hand is by violence. Many also resent Israel's occupation and what they see heavy handedness in enforcing security to its people. The result is continued violence that feeds itself, with both sides self-justifying.

But Israel's fiercest enemies are radical Islamists in different Muslim countries. They use Israel's existence and the Palestinian cause as a lightening rod, to advance the cause of fundamentalism in their own countries.

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10y ago

Answer 1

Officially, in the laws of the parliaments and supreme courts of most Arabic speaking countries, all Arabic speaking countries. Additionally some non-Arab Muslim countries have joined in this clamor, but not all of them. Officially, its them, but even more dangerous, are people who put into question Hebrew identity, people who would identify a pale skinned European of largely German ancestry as a "Jew," and a true Hebrew, with pure Hebrew blood, as an "Arab." In trivializing our identity, they are trying to set up our extinction. Some, even go so far as to tamper with the results of DNA tests, saying that people who are Hebrew are European, and people who are European are Hebrew. Or something else, and all out of envious malice.

Not all of the Arabic speaking countries are against Israel, Egypt for example has been at peace with Israel for decades now since the 1979 peace treaty, and Iran's language is Farsi which is also known as Persian, and they are not friends of Israel in any way, shape, or form.

Answer 2

Any country in the vicinity of Israel that is not democratic has issues with Israel, the reason being that their economy is not as good, they are a lot poorer, their religious beliefs are different etc...The reasons are endless, history tells us that there have been conflicts in the Middle East for centuries and there seems to be no end in sight.

Answer 3

Israel is not in a state of war. There some countries calling to eliminate her, mostly Arab and Muslim countries.

Answer 4

Israel has peace with Egypt and Jordan (both Arab countries). Palestinians and their Hamas Government are currently the biggest threat.

Answer 5

Mostly the Arabic countries, even including Jordan (who is very cool with the Israelis, for now); but we all know that there are so more mortal enemies of the Israeli people, like, all the world maybe?


Interesting, isn't it, how in every case, a nation that is an enemy of Israel

is one that has proclaimed itself Israel's enemy, not one that Israel named

an enemy.

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13y ago

Israel's has most of its allies in North and South America, Europe, and Oceania. Its most prominent allies, however, include: USA, Germany, Australia, Singapore, and Canada. Also, India is also notably becoming more supportive of Israel recently.

However, Israel also has its enemies, which are mostly Asian or African, like Egypt, Lebanon, Iran, Libya, and Malaysia. Venezuela is also becoming more hostile to Israel under the rule of Hugo Chavez.

The Arab-Israeli conflict has taken its toll on other countries too, like Singapore and Malaysia, whose relations have been greatly strained in the past because of Singapore's unwavering support for Israel, which Malaysia has vehemently opposed since Singapore's independence.

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13y ago

Iranian foreign policy has faced the most contention from the US, Israel (not recognized by Iran), and Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Iran's closest allies are Syria, Venezuela, Bolivia, Turkey, and sub-national groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and Mahdi Army.

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13y ago

Ethiopian Allies would be U.S, U.K, Anyone part of the EU, India, China

Not exactly enemies but people who they dont really like would be Soviet Union

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12y ago

Israel is an ally to practically every Western World country (i.e. United States, United Kingdom, etc.) and some Eastern World countries (i.e. India).

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United States, UK, Russia and France and most of the Arab World especially Eqypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia

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