Calypso is the daughter of Atlas, or Oceanus and Tethys, or Nereus and Doris.
Her children by Odysseus include Nausithous and Nausinous and Auson.
With Circe, Odysseus had Latinus, Agrius, and Cassiphone and Telegonus or Teledamos.
With Penelope the son of Odysseus and Circe had Italus.
Odysseus and Penelope together had Telemachus, who had Perseptolis either by Polycaste, the daughter of Nestor, or by Nausicaa, the daughter of Alcinous.
Latinus might have been Telemachus' son with Circe instead of a son of Odysseus.
Latinus had with Amata both Electra - who married Italus and Lavinia (Roma) who married Aeneas.
Arcesilaus was also a son of Penelope and Odysseus.
With Euippe, Odysseus had the following children; Doryclus, Euryalus, and Leontophron.
She was a sea nymph,not a goddess.
The Greek myths have no chronology. Calypso was not a god, she was a goddess-nymph.
A dolphin
No, but she has her own island.
yes , she was pretty
No; but she had children with Odysseus.
Calypso's father is Atlas. Calypso was a nymph in Greek mythology.
Yes. There is no myth of her death.
Only Calypso's father is known, and he is Atlas who holds aloft the heavens.
She is a goddess/demi-goddess, who is immortal and traps Odysseus on her island for about eight to nine years.
some people say it's a dolphin.
Calypso is one of the offsprings of Atlas. She is also the sea nymph who detains Odysseus for 5-8 years during the Odyssey