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Do you know where she came from? The only explanation that I know of is that some (sick) people that fight dogs, train their fighting dogs with what are called bait dogs, and they typically file down the teeth of the bait dogs so that it cannot harm the fighting dog. Typically, the bait dog is thrown in with the fighting dog and torn to pieces as....practice. Disgusting, I know.

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Q: Why does your Australian shepherd blue heeler have her teeth filed down?
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Do Australian Shepherds have a scissor bite?

Yes. The Australian Shepherd's teeth usually meets in a scissors bite, but it can also meet in a level bite.

Can you get your teeth trimmed?

Yes, you can get your teeth filed down.

How many teeth does adult German shepherd have?

42 I believe.

Australian marsupial with powerful claws and continually growing teeth?

The wombat is an Australian marsupial with continually growing teeth, and powerful claws.

When does a heeler dog lose his teeth?

Hey, My Blue Healer "Sally" lost 4 at 11 years. They were loose. She still has all of her defence teeth, witch is good for healing everything. John

Can a golden retriever fight off a german shepherd?

No. The german shepherd is stronger and has sharper teeth/faster speed than a golden retriever.

What is the past tense of file?

filed The wild man filed his teeth off to make them pointed.

How frequent should you get your German Shepherd's teeth cleaned?

A quick brushing weekly will suffice.

Iv filed my teeth with a nail file and they feel quite rough .. will it affect my teeth and if so what will it do and what can i do to help it?

You've filed through the enamel and probably used a high-grit file. Go to a dentist as soon as possible to see what options you have, because enamel is what protects your teeth.

Mammals with contsent growing front teeth?

Horses have constant growing teeth. They need to get them filed down by an equine dentist every month or so. The horses in the wild, of course, can't get them filed, but their teeth naturally stay small because of the continuous eating and chewing of things.

What do Australian saltwater crocodiles eat?

Anything it can get it's teeth on!

Is it okay if my teeth are tingling after getting my teeth filed Can I file them a little more?

I had a chipped tooth as a kid, and after being filled and filed, it was very sensitive for a while. This went away after a year or so. This being said, these things are different on a case by case basis.