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Q: Block grants were created by which President?
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Related questions

Has President Obama provided any new grants to help with college?

He has not provided any new grants. These are still existing grants created by President Bush.

Why did President Reagan use block grants in the 1980's?

Reagan used block grants instead of categorial grants to limit the amount of restrictions that the Federal government put on the State governments, or to decrease the power of the Federal government, and increase the powers of the State governments.

Which type of federal grants are made for broad areas such as healthcare?

Ahhh...novanets fun aint it :P block grants

What are grants in aid categorical grant and block grants?

Grants in aid are grants to states to achieve a public project or service. Categorical grants are grants that are given to states for a SPECIFIC PURPOSE. Block grants are given to states for a GENERAL purpose.

When are all block grants distributed?

All block grants are distributed on a formula basis set by Congress!

7-What are categorical grants and block grants What are the differences and why do they matter in federalism?

Categorical grants refer to money given for a specific purpose that comes with. Congress in 1994 changed many federal grants into block grants.

What are grants-in-aid categorical grants and block grants?

Grants in aid are grants to states to achieve a public project or service. Categorical grants are grants that are given to states for a SPECIFIC PURPOSE. Block grants are given to states for a GENERAL purpose.

Who merged many categorical grants into block grants?

Ronald Reagan

What has the author Anthony C Moretti written?

Anthony C. Moretti has written: 'Selected block grants' -- subject(s): Block grants

Categorical grants and block grants are?

Block grant - grant awarded for funding a specific purpose Categorical grant - same as a block grant but has more detailed restrictions in how the funding can be used

block grants?

federal grants-in-aid that allow states considerable discretion in how the funds are spent

What is the difference between categorical and block grants?

Categorical grants are specific funds provided by the government for a defined purpose or program. Block grants, on the other hand, are broader grants given to states or local governments to be used for a variety of programs within a specific policy area, allowing more flexibility in how the funds are used.