No, you are not eligible for additional federal student loans while in default on previous loans.
If you need help getting out of default and getting the garnishment lifted, a company called Default Management Services, Inc. can help you. Google the company name to get the phone #. Ask for Doug, he is knowledgeable.
No, if your current loans are being garnished, then you are in default. Student loan holders that are in default are not eligible to receive additional loans. If you consolidate your defaulted loans, you can get out of the garnishment and receive an income sensitive repayment option. It will allow you to pay an amount that your budget can afford. Payments can be as low as $0, depending on your income and dependants. Additionally, you are eligible for more student loans after consolidation. If you go back to school, you can still put all the loans in Deferment and not pay on them. You can get help with consolidating your defaulted loans at
can a bill collector check to see if I'm being garnished and if I am, can they garnish me to or do they have to wait until the first one is finished?
Collection bureaus can obtain court orders to garnish wages for debts unrelated to child support, even if those wages are also being garnished for child support.
if my wages are being garnished can they still take my income tax check?
Washington State, Can they garnish my pay check because my spouse wages are being garnished to pay off a credit card debt.
The government has just garnished my 2008 federal tax return due to my student loan being defaulted. My student loan dates back to 2005. It was very inconvenient to have my return garnished, especially since I would have received $6,500, but I am also glad I had this resolved!
If your contract says that wages can be garnished if the till is short, they can. Otherwise, they are not legally allowed to randomly garnish wages with a garnishment order from a court of law. They could fire you, however.
If it's federal they can get your social security without even taking you to court. They would have to take you to court for a retirement account. If it's private they would have to get a judgment.
The following answer was found online, "Social Security benefits can be garnished to repay Federal debts, but never below $750 per month. A garnishment can take 15%, or the amount over $750, whichever is less."
Yes, as long as you have not consolidated through Direct previously.
You may have to try a lien. Only a certain percentage of pay can be garnished & they are probably at the max.
Garnishment orders apply to wages or in some cases bank accounts. Sheriff's do not garnish wages they just serve the garnishment order. If you are not being paid by an employer there are no wages to be garnished. Disability benefits are exempt from creditor garnishment. They are not exempt from garnishment for tax arrearages or child support.
No, banks cannot garnish Social Security benefits, including Supplemental Security Income (SSI), for most types of debts. These funds are protected from being seized by creditors under federal law.