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The G36 uses a proprietary magazine which isn't compatible with the STANAG-compatible C-drum magazines for rifles such as the AR-15. The G36 could use such a magazine, if such a magazine were manufactured for it. To the best of my knowledge, none are.

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Q: Can you put a C-Drum magazine in the assault rifle the G36?
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Related questions

Is a g36 an assault gun?

The G36 is an assault rifle, meeting all of the criteria for such categorization:It fires an intermediate cartridgeIt feeds from detachable magazinesIt is capable of selective fire (semi or full auto)

Is the hk g36 automatic?

Yes; as an assault rifle, the Heckler & Koch G36 has select fire capabilities, and can fire in both semi-automatic and fully-automatic modes.

What caliber is a G36?

.45 auto, if, by "G36", you're referring to the Glock 36. 5.56x45 if you're referring to the Heckler & Koch G36 rifle.

Were can you find a hk rifle case for g36?


What is the best fully automatic airsoft assault rifle under 200?

There is no clear "best". It depends on a variety of things includign personal opinion and what type of gun you are looking for, and even where you live. And to say a "G36" for example explains nothing as there is many different types and models of G36 made by a variety of companies.

What country uses g36c assault rifle?

The G36C variant specifically is used by..AustraliaBrazilFinlandGermanyGeorgiaIndonesiaItalyJordanLebanonMalaysiaMexicoPhilippines armed forcesSerbiaSwedenUnited KingdomIn most cases, it is not the standard service rifle, but rather is used by select units. Several other countries use other variants of the G36, as well.

Which assault rifle is better the g63c mp5 or the vector and why?

The MP5 and Vector are not assault rifles - they're submachineguns. As for which of the three is the best, it depends on your situation. If you were strictly in a close quarters situation, the two submachineguns would be advantageous. However, if you had to engage targets beyond 50 - 100 metres, you'd want the G36.

When was the G36 first created?

The Heckler and Koch G36 was first created in the early 1990's. This was produced in Germany as a replacement for the G3 Rifle which was developed in the 1970's. The UK, Norway and Germany are among the users of this weapon, with Germany being the largest user.

Where can you get a brickarms g36?

Well, if your looking for a BRICKARMS g36 (althought it's sold as the assault carbine), then being no longer has it in their listings, is probably the best place to purchase it now. However, if you are just looking for a lego compatible g36, you can also get different ones at For a lego g36c, since it is not manufactured at any key companies, the closest thing you can probably get is the brickarms xmp.

Is there a new jg g36c airsoft assault rifle for 50?

No. The current versions of G36 made by JG as of September 2008 are the G36c style and a G36k style with the low profile rail found on the G36c. Both of these AEGs run in the $100 - $130 range within the US. Internal and external components are fully compatible with Marui and/or Classic Army G36 components and accessories. The G36k style utilizes a foregrip similar to that found on the CA36k and includes removable RIS rails similar to that found on the regular G36c. There are rumors of a full sized G36 in production, but have yet (as of Sept 2008) to be confirmed. The rifle includes a 470-round "hicap" magazine, a 8.4v 1100 MaH "Small" battery, an cleaning/unjamming rod, the owner's manual, and a few paper targets. The box is black with red markings, along with the picture of the gun on the outer cover. The interior packing material is white styrofoam. Normally, the entire box is sealed inside clear cellophane wrapper.

Is Mexico's new FX-05 one of the best assault rifles?

It certainly is. Its design is so advanced, that representatives from Heckler and Koch (German weapons manufacturer) accused the Mexican manufacturer of patent infringement on the H&K G36 assault rifle. Upon closer inspection, they found out both rifles have similar designs and exterior appearance, but instead have a completely different internal mechanism. It is however noted that the similarities were not accidental, as the FX-05 uses the same ammunition (5.56x45mm NATO rifle cartridge) the G36 uses. However, the FX-05 can be retrofitted to use a 6.8mm Remington SPC cartridge, while the G36 cannot. It should be noted that the design has yet to be put to any sort of test as to prove whether or not it ranks among the best assault rifles. While there's certainly potential - given that the rifle itself presents nothing new, but capitalises on features of previously proven designs - the short service life and limited conditions in which the rifle has or will see use (unless an export market opens up for it) makes judging it comparatively to other rifles a bit difficult to do with any basis or accuracy. "Best" itself is a completely subjective term, anyhow - what's ideal for one application may not be for a different application.

What kind of bb's does a spring double eagle m41a g36 rifle fps-265 airsoft gun take?

it takes 6mm plastic BBS and the weight of them does not matter the more it weighs the more it will hurt