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Q: Did Theodore Roosevelt start the yellow journalism?
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What did Theodore Roosevelt start college?

its not what did Theodore roosevelt start college it should be when did Theodore roosevelt start college

How do you start a question with the word where and get the answer Theodore Roosevelt?

Theodore Roosevelt is a person, not a place, so there is no "where."

Who start yellow journalism?

Joseph pulitizer

When did Theodore Roosevelt start the conservation movement?


When did Theodore Roosevelt start college?

He was a freshman at Harvard in 1876

Why did Theodore Roosevelt start daylight savings?

Theodore Roosevelt did not start Daylight Saving Time. It was first implemented by Germany during World War I to conserve energy. In the United States, DST was officially established in 1918 as a way to save fuel during World War I.

What year did the Square Deal start under Theodore Roosevelt?

It started in 1904.

Why did Theodore Roosevelt start his own party?

He was not satisfied with William Taft's job as president.

How did yellow journalism contribute to start of the Spanish American war?

Yellow journalism contributed to the start of the Spanish American War by exaggerating or making things up about the problem. These articles aroused public anger at the Spanish, leading to war.

What is Theodore Roosevelt's origin of political career?

Jake Blowat was the start of teddy roosevelts career>

What type of sensationalized media led to the start of the Spanish-American War?

Yellow Journalism in the newspapers

What were Theodore Roosevelt's feelings towards battle?

He loved battle so much he helped start the Mexican American War.