Air force jets can range in speed from sub-sonic ( below the speed of sound ) to speeds of mach 2 ( twice the speed of sound ) some can even reach mach 3
the average military fighter jets average speeds of mach 1.2
the real question is.. Why arnt military jets loud
That varies from about 50 mph for a Piper cub to about 150 for an airliner to over 200 for some military jets.
1842 knots is approximately equal to 2130 miles per hour or 3429 kilometers per hour. This speed is very fast and is commonly used for fast passenger jets or military aircraft.
Because they are designed to be fast and have large, powerful engines.
most military air combat jet aircraft can go over mach 1.0, passenger aircraft fly at around mach 0.80
about 87mph
Military aircraft( combat planes/fighter jets/combat jets/fighter aircraft/combat aircraft). Military planes are airplanes that can carry weapons.
500-600 mph
There is now-troops, tanks, jets, artillery, military style police.
to go fast and rich people's enjoyment
A missile launcher, a military navy, and mostly fighter jets.
Commercial jets do. Military jets normally land on military airports/airfields. An example for such an airport is Edwards Air Force Base.