Ronald Regan The only time a U.S. President resigned was when Richard Nixon did so in 1974.
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon was the only US President to resign his office. John C. Calhoun and Spiro T. Agnew were the two vice-presidents who resigned. Calhoun resigned in order to run the for Senate and because he disagreed strongly with President Jackson. Agnew resigned in disgrace from his past activities as governor of Maryland.
Richard Nixon is the only president who failed to complete his term for reason other than death. Nixon resigned voluntarily, but quite possibly would have been forced out if he had not resigned.
The only US president to resign was Richard Nixon.
Thusfar, Richard M. Nixon is the only U.S. president to resign the office of president.
Richard Nixon- he resigned in August 1974 over the Watergate Scandal. He was re-elected for a second term in '72, so still had two years left to go when he resigned. His Vice-President Gerald Ford took over the post until the elections in '76, when he was defeated by Democrat Jimmy Carter.
The new President was: Gerald R. Ford New Vice-President was: Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller
Richard M. Nixon, 37th US President, is the only President to resign from office.
Richard Milhous Nixon, 37th President of the United States, is the first and only president to resign the office. Nixon resigned on August 9, 1974, facing almost certain impeachment.
Nixon resigned after about a year into his second term due to the Watergate affair which threatened to impeach him.