John Adams last words were "Jefferson lives," becauseJefferson and Adams were such good friends. But They both died on the same day, July 4th. Because communication was so slow back then they did not know for days later that both had died.
"I always talk better lying down." He went out with a joke, I respect that ;) James Madison died on June 28, 1836, he was 85 years old.
jhon adamss
You got me
John I Love You
think about which man would agree with
John Baptist de la Salle's last words were reported to be "God is with us."
Of course I know who you are. You're my girl. I love you.
i love leslie hanaway
John Okey has written: 'The declaration of Coll. Okey' -- subject(s): Last words
John Adams - his last words
"Only the young may change the way of the earth"
The last words Jesus about his future sacrifice is found in John 19:28-30. Jesus last words were " It is Finished!"
John Tyler said, ''I am going now. Perhaps it is for the best'' before he died.