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and 1775 he wrote the document

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Q: What document did Thomas Jefferson write and how old was he when he wrote it?
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What famous document did Thomas Jefferson write?

Thomas Jefferson was the principle author of the Declaration of Independence and thus made him one of the founding fathers of the United States

Did Thomas Jefferson write the Second Amendment?

Yes Thomas Jefferson wrote the Second Amendment

Did Thomas Jefferson write Common Sense?

No Thomas Paine Wrote It.

What part of the Maine Constitution did Thomas Jefferson write?

Thomas Jefferson wrote the educational segment of the Maine constitution.

How do you write this correctly Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence for our Country and he was the Governor of Virginia?

Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, and was the Governor of Virginia.

Who was chosen to write the Declaration of Independence?

Five people made The Declaration of Independence, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman. John Adams wrote the first draft but, Thomas Jefferson wrote the final document.

Who wrote a famous document and died on July 4th?

Thomas Jefferson and President John Adams

Who wrote the Decleration of Independes?

The Declaration of Independence was written by a young lawyer named Thomas Jefferson. The document was reviewed and corrected by Ben Franklin and other Patriots before being finally written down as a formal document.

Why do people think that Thomas Jefferson wrote the first part of the Declaration of Independence?

Because Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of this historical document, and most people naturally think he wrote the whole thing by himself.

How many authors wrote the declaration of independence?

One. Thomas Jefferson wrote the document with input by John Adams and Ben Franklin.

Did Thomas Jefferson write a Bible?

A:Yes. He wrote what is now known as the Jefferson Bible, based on Deist principles.

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence and how long did it take to write?

Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration over 17 days.